Importance of Vaccinations

Young girl getting vaccine at doctor's office.

Why Get Vaccinated?

One of the most important aspects of ACPNY’s “whole you” care approach is making sure our patients are fully immunized and helping them get the vaccinations they need. Vaccines have long been a key factor in protecting us from viruses and are essential for everyone regardless of their age, health status, or where they live or work. When you get your needed immunizations, you’re protecting not just yourself, but everyone around you—your family, your friends, your neighbors, and your coworkers. Get vaccinated and help us protect the health of the communities we serve—like yours!

Vaccines Have Protected Us for Generations

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us had forgotten about or taken for granted the important role immunizations have played in keeping our cities, our country, and our world healthy. For decades, vaccines have helped us overcome serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses such as polio, measles, smallpox, whooping cough, and many others. However, as we’ve seen with COVID-19 variants and other recent viral outbreaks, choosing not to be immunized means risking recurrence and spread of these illnesses, which can be dangerous even if you’re in otherwise good health. Remember—vaccines are not new. Vaccines are safe. And vaccines work.

For Parents

Managing your child’s health means not only addressing current health concerns, but also preventing future ones. Make sure you have both covered by keeping up with your child’s routine wellness checkups and required immunizations. When your child is immunized, you’ll gain peace of mind knowing that they’re protected.

For Children

Because a child’s immune system is still developing, they are especially vulnerable to the spread of serious disease. That’s why we owe it to them to ensure they are fully immunized. Even at a young age, children can learn about their important role in being vaccinated and helping protect the lives of those around them.

For Everyone

The more we do to promote immunization, the healthier and safer our communities will be. No matter your age, your health status, or where you live or work, vaccines protect us all. Let’s work together and take responsibility in our neighborhoods by making them better, healthier places to live.
A healthcare professional prepares a child for a seasonal flu shot

your annual flu vaccination

2024-2025 Flu Season

Your annual flu vaccine remains an effective way to lower your risk of contracting the seasonal flu and spreading it to others in the community.

Children walking home from school


Back to school

We’re here to help you make sure your child is up to date with immunizations and other health needs to prepare them for the healthiest school year possible.


2024-2025 seasonal flu vaccines are now available. Schedule your vaccination appointment today and protect your health this flu season. Learn More.