The AdvantageCare Physicians Westchester Ave Medical Office provides convenient medical care to our Bronx patients.
Public Transit:
Subway: 6
Bus: BX4, BX22, Q44-SBS
First visit for current pregnancy.
Annual wellness exam.
Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.
Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.
First visit to discuss gynecological health.
Wellness, preventive care check-up, back-to-school physicals.
Annual wellness exam.
Patient has not seen a provider in the ${department} department before.
Follow-up visit for current pregnancy.
Patient has seen a provider in the ${department} department before.
Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.
Wellness, preventive care check-up, back-to-school physicals.
Follow-up or new issue.
Wellness, preventive care check-up.
Wellness, preventive care check-up.
First visit for current pregnancy.